Following up from my previous post here on this upcoming Hendricks event, last nights launch of ‘The Awakening’ by Hendricks Gin in Sydney, was nothing short of amazing! An evening filled with funny, spooky, brilliant theatrics and entertainment and full of surprises. Here are a few pics of the night and if your up for drinks and amusement put it on your to-do list this weekend, it’s well worth it.

Held at the Commune in Waterloo just outside of the CBD, upon arrival we were ushered to a barren warehouse space greeted by ‘Ebe’ and ‘Ube’ the first of the performers from Siren Theatre Co for the evening in our waiting room. Moving around the seated patrons, making unusual noises and mimicking actions the pair were a great ice-breaker to the evening ahead.

Upon entering, our first Gin & Tonic Hendricks cocktails are served in an ambient space filled with quirky decor before being invited to walking into a fireplace through to the next zone which was pitch black, only lit by the candle of a ‘lady’ dress in white standing beside a vintage bookshelf. Hands begin to poke out of the wall helping to move our group closer to the end of the room where the bookcase opens to the next zone; a ‘life drawing class’, where characters come out from beneath tables.

It’s not exactly a haunted house thing, there are no screaming people chasing you and you can see throughout the experience except the zone of the ‘bookcase lady’ which is designed to shake it up a little. It’s more humours with characters in place to encourage all guests to fully immerse themselves in the self-guided tour; as Hendrick’s Gin Brand Ambassador Morgan Flanagan says, its an “experience that will leave people feeling provoked, confused, elated, revived and most importantly, awakened”.

The ‘hospital’ was up next. Each person being tagged and given a bed to sit and share with another guest; not the person you arrived with. The second cocktail was served, a warm cinnamon Hendricks Gin tea and being the first night of winter, it went down a treat. Naturally, the crazed ‘doctor’ moves around the room erratically making jokes at a few individuals.

Guided through to another space, our hospital tag had a number, purposefully indicating which room we individually walk into next. Moving into a small room with nothing but an old school phone, my number required to turn the dial on the phone before opening a box underneath and given a gift…a rose.

With a rose in hand, we are asked to walk through red velvet curtains where the journey ends only to open to a large bar space, upon which we all receive a Hendricks box to pour our own cocktail.

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