The future of solar-powered auto-engineering is very much a reality. So what’s next? Take to the water. Who to help inspire this technology? Tesla of course.

You may have remembered my article on Duffy London’s Solaris Cruiser that combined solar and a little motor help (article here). The Tesla inspired MODEL Y concept yacht designed by Dhruv Prasad, is leading the way with an entirely sun-powered superyacht that is self-charging.

This sleekly designed 40-meter yacht utilises its hydroelectricity turbine system to collect energy, connected to a battery the runs the yacht as you cruise along the sea. Along the roof, solar panels harness the sun to charge up the battery while stationary so your never running out of power.

With an on-board jacuzzi, spa room, bar and bedding, you might as well call this home.
Robbie – Dapper Lounge.
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